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ERFA PAC Announces #RecallNewsom Special Operation

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Recall Newsom Asian Community Campaign by ERFA PAC

Most Recent Update:

A recent poll shows that the majority of Asian community do not know the importance of recalling Gavin Newsom as the Governor, and most likely due to the massive media Ads bought by Newsom Camp in their languages.

ERFA PAC is calling for targeted donations to purchase Ads on prestigious Asian language news outlets, to counter the big money’s influence for Newsom.

Let’s make this clear:

We Asians are not supporting Newsom!

Asians for RecallNewsom!

Our first goal is to raise $5,000 in one week, so we can start to buy 4 days’ Ads to promote “Recall Newsom”. And we will update this page to reflect the current goals and progress made.

Please reach out if you want to join the task force, the door is always open for hard working talents! (

If you want to make a real change to California, please chip in so we can voice out loudly together!

“Equal Rights for All – PAC” (


Tweets from Ward Connerly (President of ERFA PAC)

“At the outset, I was prepared to reject the Recall if Governor Newsom gave a credible defense of the policies that bother so many of us. Instead, he simply fell back on his disingenuous theme of “Republican Recall,” appealed to partisanship and race, and tried to dismiss the Recall by bullying those who are worried about the current course of our country and our state.

True leaders don’t operate that way. I knew Governor Deukmejian personally and Governor Pete Wilson is a very close personal friend. I know that they regarded every citizen as a person of value and to be respected. Sure, they were also partisans, but once elected, they sought to suppress their partisan instincts.

The inherent flaw of one-party rule in a democracy is that it eventually results in lack of accountability, arrogance and contempt for those who reject blind party loyalty or who are not of your party. This Governor did not learn that lesson as the mayor of SF or the second in command to Governor Brown. Let’s vote!”

Democrat for #RecallNewsom!

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