With the upcoming 2024 election, our Equal Rights For All PAC will continue to fully support candidates who align with our principles.
However, in order to bring about the greatest possible change and impact, our PAC needs to communicate through numbers to influence certain candidates and legislators. And this will enable us to better support our own candidates!
When we initially launched the fundraising campaign with a goal of $50×2000, we quickly shifted our efforts towards the #RecallNewsom campaign. We raised funds vigorously (in another donation campaign), utilizing both such donations and the PAC’s initial funds to support advertising in the Asian-American community. As a result, we did not continue with this membership program. Regrettably, this led to the plan only achieving small portion of its original goal 😟.
The PAC’s existence is meant to be more effective in our actions, allowing us to strongly challenge politicians whose beliefs oppose ours, and support candidates who have been screened by us. To maximize our effectiveness, we need to achieve 100% of our goal, which means we need at least 2000 donors (any donation amount is welcome, whether it’s $10, $20, or $50).
Please join us and help spread this information. Thank you! [Salute]
About ERFA
ERFA PAC’s predecessor is https://StopProp16.org. As a gathering center for all grassroots volunteers, we were deeply involved in the 2020 “No on Prop16” campaign, organizing car rallies, participating in media debates, social media campaigns, distributing yard signs, and supporting candidates.
ERFA PAC’s mission is to support or oppose specific political candidates through practical campaign actions, to ensure Equal Rights For All. Specific actions include:
- Scrutinizing and filtering candidates and incumbent politicians based on their stance and voting records on issues like CRT, Racial Equity/Equality, and Racial Preference.
- Independently supporting candidates we endorse and taking various actions against politicians who go against our principles.
- We are a multi-ethnic PAC committed to long-term presence in California, rather than focusing on a single-issue campaign.
- Unlike other organizations, our main focus is influencing candidates to improve California’s political environment. We are not a 501c3 organization. We will oppose unfair bills and concentrate on challenging bad candidates.
Since its establishment, ERFA PAC has participated in various activities (details and photos of each activity can be found in the respective group’s history) 💪💪💪:
- No On Prop16 Volunteer Appreciation Event (2021/1)
- Recall Newsom Signature Collection (2021/1~2021/4)
- Opposition to SB82, AB1509 (2021/5)
- Recall Newsom Asian community media ad distribution (2021/8)
- School Choice Signature Collection (2021/12 ~ 2022/2)
- Herschel Walker Asian community media ad (2022/11)
- Sponsored Ed Blum’s Silicon Valley trip (2022/6)
- Issued “Friend of the Court” in support of SFFA v. Harvard case (2022/5)
- Presented support for SFFA v. Harvard case in front of the Supreme Court (2022/10)
- Issued An Open Letter to Ms. Corrin Rankin on her Support of ACA5/Prop16 (2023/2)
- Supported our candidates Amy Reichert, Herschel Walker, Kristie Bruce-Lane, Kansen Chu etc. (2022/03~2023/08)