We are thrilled to announce the success of the delegate walk event organized by the “NO on ACA7” coalition on February 15, 2024. Despite short notice, over 30 dedicated individuals from various member organizations of the coalition, including Equal Rights for All PAC (REFA), Silicon Valley Chinese Association (SVCA), San Diego Asian Americans for Equality (SDAAE), and Californians for Equal Rights Foundation (CFER Foundation), showed up in full force.
During the event, distinguished professors Gail Heriot and Maimon Schwarzschild, along with a representative from the Pacific Legal Foundation, diligently presented the “NO on ACA7” briefing books to the offices of every single senator. This concerted effort aimed to raise awareness about the detrimental implications of ACA7 and garner support for our cause.
Our coalition firmly believes that defeating ACA7 quietly in the Senate, rather than at the ballot box, is in the best interest of all concerned. Not only will it save taxpayers and donors, both progressive and conservative, millions of dollars that could be allocated elsewhere, but it will also spare the State of California from the divisive issues surrounding racial preferences and reparations.
Furthermore, recent history has shown that California voters strongly support Proposition 209, with resounding rejections of attempts to repeal it, such as Proposition 16 in 2020. The overwhelming majority of voters understand the implications of ACA7 and are unlikely to approve an unlimited number of exceptions without clarity on what those exceptions entail.
Even if ACA7 were to pass, it would inevitably face legal challenges and defeat in the courts, as evidenced by recent landmark decisions such as Students for Fair Admissions v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (2023). ACA7’s confrontational approach to circumventing Proposition 209 only invites costly lawsuits and undermines the integrity of our legal system.
In summary, the delegate walk event was a significant step forward in our ongoing efforts to oppose ACA7 and uphold the principles of equality and fairness in California. We extend our sincerest gratitude to all those who participated and contributed to this important initiative.
Please join us in the fight by doing one of the following:
- Sign and circulate this online petition: https://www.change.org/VoteNoOnACA7
- Register X account and join us with #NoACA7, #KeepDiscriminationIllegal
- Click one button to send email to the CA Senate Rules Committee and your home representative: link
- Spread word about our coalition: NOonACA7.org
- Join this coalition if you represent your organization: https://www.noonaca7.org/coalition