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02/25/2023 (Signing organization list updated 3/1/2023)
RE: Stance on Prop.16
Dear Ms. Corrin Rankin,
As a group of organizations committed to fairness and equal opportunity for all Californians, we are writing to EXPRESS OUR DEEP CONCERN about your stance on Proposition 16 (ACA5) in 2020. Prop. 16 would have overturned California’s constitutional guarantee of equal treatment, passed in 1996 through Proposition 209, which states in part, “The state shall not discriminate against or give preferential treatment to any individual or group based on race.”
We understand that you are a candidate running for the vice chairship at the CAGOP. The Party of Lincoln is the principled purveyor of liberty, equality and personal responsibility. Yet, you had sought to reinstate race-based preferential policies in California, which reflected neither the Republican platform nor the will of California voters. Such policies always lead to unfair and unequal treatment of individuals based on race, ethnicity, sex, ethnicity or national origin..
In 2020, we successfully rallied a diverse coalition of supporters under the ideal of “Equal Rights for All” (what Prop. 209 embodies in the California Constitution). Consequently, Prop. 16 was rejected by California voters with an impressive margin (57.2% vs. 42.8%). Due to the fact that the CAGOP took a firm stance opposing Prop. 16 and its legislative predecessor ACA 5, many of our supporters have become donors to the CAGOP and are now new supporters of the party.
We believe that your stance on this issue, contrary to CAGOP’s official position and to the public opinion, could have led to policies harming the people of this state. Your Facebook post showed your support for Prop. 16 (ACA5), and your subsequent comments confirmed it.
The link to your Facebook post (June 17, 2020) is: https://www.facebook.com/corrin.rankin/posts/pfbid03b9u2ynLXaFENmVzWNQfAmhuJjZdRF9eAkQWnqx1DPuHzDCqBai45SiqvmThDXBBl
And the LA Times article about ACA5 you shared in the post says:
We are particularly concerned about the comments you added under the post: “I don’t disagree with your statement especially when the CIA has warned that foreign spies are largely embedded in our colleges.” In this statement, were you insinuating that ACA5 could actually help get rid of the “spies in colleges”?
We would like to know more about your position, especially any clarifications on this topic. Beyond this post, we want to learn about your official stance on race-preferential policies, especially your stance and views on Prop. 209 (the California Civil Rights Initiative): “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.”
Your position on this issue carries national significance, as the US Supreme Court is currently deliberating on the constitutionality and legality of race-based college admissions in the Harvard and UNC cases. The evidence presented in court demonstrates clearly that Harvard (and UNC) discriminated against Asians in its undergraduate admissions processes . The Supreme Court is expected to issue rulings on the Harvard and UNC cases in June 2023, which will have a far-reaching impact on the future of race-based affirmative action in general.Your response to this inquiry in our open letter will help the delegates make an informed decision when casting their votes for the CAGOP Vice Chair position. It also will help our supporters make future decisions as to donating to and supporting the CAGOP. We want to ensure that our groups’ values and beliefs are represented by the candidates they choose to support.
If you have not changed your position on ACA5 or Prop. 16 by now, we strongly urge you to reconsider your candidacy for CAGOP vice chair.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to hearing from you!
Alliance of Concerned Organizations (See below)
Note: More organizations are being added, so this list will be updated here. If your organization wishes to be added to this list, please kindly contact info@erfapac.com.
Organization Logo | Organization Name | Organization POC | Signed Date |
Equal Rights for All PAC | info@erfapac.com https://erfapac.com | 02/25/2023 | |
Uttar Pradesh Mandal Of America | upmaglobal@gmail.com https://www.upmaglobal.org/ | 02/25/2023 | |
Asian America Freedom PAC (AAFP) | https://asianamericanfreedompac.com/ | 02/25/2023 | |
Asian Industry B2B (AIB2B) | marc@aib2b.org http://aib2b.org/ | 02/25/2023 | |
Chinese American Citizen Alliance – Orange County Lodge | shortgee@aol.com http://www.cacanational.org/ | 02/25/2023 | |
Bihar Foundation of USA | info@biharfoundationusa.org https://www.biharfoundationusa.org/ | 02/25/2023 | |
The Club at WestPark Conservatives, Republicans & Independents (CRI) | clubcriinfo@gmail.com | 02/25/2023 | |
Nature for US | Nature for US | zurica@gmail.com | 02/25/2023 |
San Diego Asian Americans For Equality (SDAAFE) | Info@sdaafe.org http://www.sdaafe.org/ | 03/01/2023 |