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Ron Edwards, Candidate AD60

Ronald Edwards for AD 60 – ERFA Endorsed Candidate

The Equal Rights for All PAC has officially endorsed Ron Edwards for the 60th Assembly District in Riverside County, which includes areas like Moreno Valley. Ron Edwards, who has a strong background in community service, military experience, and small business ownership, is recognized for his commitment to equal rights and opposition to government preferences. The PAC highlights his dedication to defending Proposition 209, which ensures equal rights for all Californians. Ron’s candidacy contrasts sharply with his opponent, Corey Jackson, whom the PAC criticizes for supporting legislation that challenges parental rights and seeks to reintroduce racial preferences.

Sophia Wang, a board member of the PAC, encourages continued support for their endorsed candidates to uphold equal rights and protect Proposition 209.

NO on ACA7 Delegate Walk

We are thrilled to announce the success of the delegate walk event organized by the “NO on ACA7” coalition on February 15, 2024. Despite short notice, over 30 dedicated individuals from various member organizations of the coalition, including Equal Rights for All PAC (REFA), Silicon… Read More »NO on ACA7 Delegate Walk

Herschel Walker

The Equal Rights for All PAC Endorses the Policy Position of Senate Candidate Herschel Walker

The Equal Rights for All PAC urges Georgia voters to first consider the impact of policies such as CRT, and Affirmative Action when making their choice in the upcoming Senate Runoff election. Don’t wait until you, your child or someone you know gets a rejection letter from a school such as Emory that acknowledges its discrimination on the basis of race.

Whether it be college admissions, k-12, employment, or contracting, it is important to stand up for equal
rights for all. We can support those in need through tutoring and other programs which actually helps
individuals. Preference programs and preference teachings based on race are hurting our communities
and this is the racism that Herschel Walker’s detractors support.

We support Herschel Walker since he is a strong proponent of the “Equal Rights” ideal. So we urge Georgia voters to vote for Herschel Walker in the coming Dec. 6 Runoff Election!